Well, all depends from what side we looking at ; In a general way, yes we're all the same, fearing our own doings and hoping that life will be not too rude with us. But if we dig for more details, there is a lot of differences between ouest and east european peoples : our respective story make us focus on some different parts, a good exemple is with young Balticans peoples and French ones. In the Baltics what everyone wants it's to open themselves to the outside, grow, exchange… in France young dudes fight to know if the country should let more people get in or not, if French culture should stop to open or if it is the nature of this part of the world since long time. An other exemple could be between Russia and Nederland, Germany, France, with the priority like, ecologie which is not the maine problem in mind in Russia. In the Ouest Europe, everybody blowing your mine with blahblah untrue ecological manners. The gouvernement annoying us with rules that should be given to the industries and so on. This could look benign but, we have so many stupid rules which burnout so many brain, when i walk or drive in Russia i feel a way more free, it's hard to explain for people how never came in France.